More than 40% of patients with diabetes suffer from peripheral neuropathy.* Dr. James Weimar is proud to offer patients a new treatment that is FDA-approved, is not a drug, and carries with it none of the side effects of drug treatments.

HFX is a comprehensive solution that includes a Senza spinal cord stimulation system that uses 10 kHz therapy to treat the tingling, burning, itching and stinging sensation caused by diabetic neuropathy.

86% of patients get substantial, long-lasting relief.**

What To Expect.

Dr. Weimar will assess your condition, discuss treatment options, and answer your questions. If it is determined that you’re an ideal candidate for HFX, we will schedule a temporary trial in which thin, flexible wires are placed beneath the skin and next to the spine. You will then wear a temporary device under your clothes that delivers stimulations to the leads.

Over the next week, you will evaluate the pain and determine if the temporary treatment has made a difference. If the answer is yes, we will schedule a quick and minimally invasive procedure in which a small device is implanted under the skin, just above the beltline or in the buttocks area. It’s connected to thin, flexible wires, just like those used in the trial, that are placed near the spine. It’s also possible your physician may recommend an alternative approach using a paddle lead, which requires a slightly different procedure.

Getting your implant is typically an outpatient procedure which means you will likely go home the same day.

To discuss whether HFX is right for you, call 316-609-2600.

*Source: Science Direct.
**Source: Diabetes Care.